Get funds for your team. If you have a referral for a company or school you know that are looking for equipment such as printers, photocopiers, interactive touchscreens and whiteboards, telecoms, get in touch with us for a referral code for them to use with ASL Group. Any resulting sale from your referral will mean that ASL Group will release funds to the buyers to allow them to pass on funds to your team for Kit etc.
Would you like to sponsor a cup or a league division?
All of our cups are sponsored by local firms most of which are often managed by dads with lads playing in our league. If you think you can help give us a call.
Benefits of Sponsorship
All of our sponsors will get a link on our web site (see the links below for our existing sponsors) to their own site if available.
Why not give something back to your sponsors and get their details up here? All you need to do is give us their details and we'll do the rest.